Minoru Farm

Minoru Farm Grows “Food with Flavor”

Farmer Jade expands her Asian vegetable farm with the the help of ZFP’s Restore Grant.

In January 2020, Jade Sato set out to start her first farm. She had spent the previous six years working for multiple growers simultaneously, preparing physically and mentally for the long hours and demanding work of this moment. She had launched a Kickstarter, secured land, and planned her crops. But by March, the world had halted to the COVID-19 pandemic, and her vision felt nearly impossible. “Should I give everybody’s money back? What are we doing? Is everyone okay?”

To quote Jade, “it was weird.”

Despite the lockdown, isolation, and uncertainty, she launched Minoru Farm with just 5 CSA members that season, and secured additional acres and support in 2021…

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Adams, CO

Compost Application

Windbreak Establishment

Cover Cropping

Adams, CO • Compost Application • Windbreak Establishment • Cover Cropping

Grant writing is not my forte. I'm really bad at it. But then when I looked at this grant, it seemed more like practical questions … It seemed a lot more supportive.



Hummingbird Agrotek