A table to farm movement

Stories of farmers driving regeneration.

Restoring the climate

Not in 2050, not in 2040. Right now.

Zero Foodprint and our members are lowering the barriers for farmers who are leading the regenerative movement from the ground up.

The result? Improved soil health, a restored climate, and tastier, more nutritious food. It’s a win-win-win! 

Click the button for a full list of projects, or scroll on to get inspired by our farm grantees.

126 Farm Projects

$2.6+ Million in Grants Awarded

104,000+ tons of CO2e Removed

126 Farm Projects • $2.6+ Million in Grants Awarded • 104,000+ tons of CO2e Removed •

"To do things the way you’d like to, it’s a question of having the right resources or right equipment. When you’re starting a business you sometimes don’t have that, which is why I really appreciate Zero Foodprint."

Verónica at Brisa Ranch

The next practice

On the next acre

A mere 2% increase in the carbon content of the planet's soils could offset 100% of all greenhouse gas emissions. Let’s dig in and invest in soil health.

Join the movement

Let’s eat our way out of the climate crisis.