Night Owl Food Forest

Restoring Mountain Ecosystems

Creating bounty with little water.

Night Owl Food Forest is located on semi arid desert land in Paonia, a small mountain town in Colorado. It is close to the headwaters of the Colorado River yet receives on occasion only 7” of rain a year. Elizabeth Yaari works closely with neighbors on the watershed to slow, sink and spread water on the land and together with the animals, insects and birds encourages hundreds of trees to thrive and send their thirsty roots down to reach water deep in the earth.

The seven layered food forest is in its infancy and Yaari is very grateful to Zero Foodprint for the grant to plant 1000 fruit and nut trees which not only sequester substantial carbon but also provide food for the town folks.

“I am so grateful for the Restore grant. Night Owl Food Forest has come alive. Neighbors are donating fencing and greenhouse space, and friends are flying in to help plant 1,000 trees and shrubs.”

Elizabeth at Night Owl Food Forest

570 Tons of CO2

Delta County, CO

Tree Shrub Establishment

570 Tons of CO2 • Delta County, CO • Tree Shrub Establishment •


Brisa Ranch


Root Down Farm