Brisa Ranch

Farming with nature

Joining forces with farmers and eaters to restore trust in food and farming.

As beginning farmers in 2018, Verónica, Cole, and Cristobal wanted to farm in partnership with nature, but they faced enormous upfront costs. They had to invest in things like equipment and compost before they could turn any profit, and traditional financing options don’t often fit the farm model. With the complexity of requirements for state and federal grants, Verónica made a point of sharing the ease of Restore CA “it’s the most approachable and helpful of the assorted grants I’ve come across.” With their grant they were able to apply compost and cover crops set to sequester 48 tons of CO2.

48 Tons of CO2

Pescadero, CA

Compost Application Annual Crop

Cover Crops

48 Tons of CO2 • Pescadero, CA • Compost Application Annual Crop • Cover Crops •

“I think we need to create a narrative around farming as land stewardship, and trying to be an ally in mitigating climate change. We think about it at the level of our farm, but incentive structures like Zero Foodprint’s Restore California grants show the systemic approach.” 

Veronica at Brisa Ranch


Hummingbird Agrotek


Night Owl Food Forest