Restore NW

Thanks to the support of New Seasons Market, Restore NW Grants were made available for the first time in 2024. Applications will re-open in 2025.

Join the movement

We’re ready to transform agriculture in the Northwest. Are you?

Restoring the Northwest

Building on the success of our Restore Grants in California and Colorado, we’re launching grants for farmers and ranchers in Oregon and Washington. Thanks to the contributions of New Seasons Market and our Zero Foodprint Members, grants were made available for the first time in 2024. Applications will re-open in 2025.

Our Impact

Our Restore Grants have already awarded more than $2.6 million to over 120 farms in California and Colorado. Our work has sequestered more than 104,000 tons of CO2e, but we’re just getting started. By directly funding climate-smart practices on farms, we can work together to grow better food and effectively restore our climate.

Join the movement

Zero Foodprint offers businesses a simple and smart way to increase their positive impact on the environment and create a better food system. By joining the ZFP Member community, you’ll help us transform the future of agriculture in the Northwest. Learn More

“We believe in fostering an environment where sustainability and the prosperity of our local partners go hand-in-hand. This grant initiative is part of our greater effort to nurture a healthy environment. Through our collaboration with Zero Foodprint, we together harness the collective power of our community to make tangible, environmental impacts through progressive farming practices.”

Athena Petty
Senior Manager of Sustainability,
New Seasons Market

Zero Foodprint Membership

88% of consumers want brands to address climate change and are looking for brands that match their values. ZFP makes it easy for ANY business to take climate action while simultaneously attracting conscious customers and creating better food. Learn how your business’ contributions will help fund the future of agriculture in the Northwest:

Join Zero Foodprint Membership

Partnering with ZFP

Restore NW is a collaboration led by Zero Foodprint with support from Bob’s Red Mill, Tillamook, Mad Agriculture, Oregon Climate and Agriculture Network, Willamette Partnership, Ecotrust and other aligned organizations. If you are engaged in food systems change and interested in learning about our work, read more about our model:

Collective Regeneration

Putting Carbon

The launch of the Restore NW Grant is made possible by money pledged by New Seasons Market and its 25+ vendor partners, who during April celebrated Earth Month with the Building Better Soil for a Healthier Future campaign. Each pledged 1 percent of their month’s sales to Zero Foodprint, generating nearly $60,000 to lead the change.

Where it Belongs

Taking Action

Curious about our NW farm pilot projects? Tillamook, New Seasons Market, and Zero Foodprint have teamed up to establish ~5.0 acres of riparian forest buffer (an estimated 1,100 plantings) on Tillamook producer’s farms. Watch how staff from all three organizations got to work planting the first 1.25 acres that will help protect water quality, improve salmon habitat, and sequester an estimated 330 tons of CO2e!